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27 September

Today I went on rounds again. One of the babies on the ward has a severe cerebral haemorrhage on both sides (IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage, grade 3) and as a result has a rather large PVHI, periventricular haemorrhagic infarction, because the haemorrhage in the germinal matrix obstructs the periventricular venous outflow. His chances of later leading a life without physical disability and mental restriction are slim, so today there was a big conference to discuss how to proceed. Apart from that, I was allowed to watch an ultrasound of the kidneys and the brain again today, and was also involved in the auscultation. Shortly before I was handed over to the night shift, I witnessed a hearing test on a newborn. In the Netherlands, all babies born in hospital are screened for possible hearing loss with a basic test (probably using otoacoustic emissions). Babies who are in the NICU for more than 24 hours are given a more complex hearing test using auditory brainstem response. Clicking sounds are used to stimulate the cochlea and measure nerve conduction. Our baby successfully passed the test! 😊

After the internship I visited Veerle and her flatmates Marisa, Romy and Elise and we had dinner together and chatted.

From left to right: the "beraphone"-the device which emits the sounds and measures the nerval response, the coupling gel, the monitor

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The monitor. The red bar must rise completely in 3 minutes.

The hearing certificate of the child for the parents.

Dinner of today.

With Veerle, Elise, Romy and Marisa.


Text me if you have any questions!

Danke für die Nachricht!

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