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21 September

There is not much to report today.

I spent the whole day feeding data from a study from Excel into SPSS so that it can be analysed tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't reveal anything about the study đŸ€« But I can say that I think the idea is pretty cool. For lunch, I finally tried out the cafeteria. A lot of students and staff only eat a cold snack here at lunchtime, and cooking is more common in the evening. After lunch, Veerle and Marisa briefly showed me the "Hepatho", a kind of student club only for medical students in the middle of the hospital! Parties are held here about 4 times a year. The rest of the time, it serves as a student lounge where you can buy very cheap cappucino (0.25€!) and snacks. Unfortunately, my time with Veerle and Marisa is over, but last night we had another delicious carrot and pepper soup with sweetcorn and macadamia nuts as an accompaniment and walnut bread.

The "Hepatho".

Excel & SPSS

Our delicious dinner.


Text me if you have any questions!

Danke für die Nachricht!

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